Angelita A. Kuizon
General objectives
The study is descriptive
– developmental in nature which aimed to prepare and validate an Achievement
test in Filipino for third year high school students.
Specific Objectives
The study also attempt to:
1. Identify specific skills in Filipino 3 which will be included in the
2. Prepare a table of specifications for the skills to be tested
3. Construct test items for each skill
4. Trey out the validity of the test
5. Analyze each item of the test
6. Revise the test based on the weaknesses found during the try-out stage
7. Compute the validity and reliability indices of the test
8. Prepare a test manual
Scope and Delimitation
The study is only concerned
on the preparation and validation of achievement test in Filipino for third year
students of ANHS, Butuan City SY 2003-2004.
The achievement test prepared
measures the skills developed during the four grading periods. The validity and
reliability of the test prepared were determined with the help of Filipino 3 teachers in the school and
some selected students in Filipino subjects in the four sections in the third year.
Design of the Study
The study underwent four
stages: planning, test construction, administration and evaluation stages.
The descriptive –
developmental method is used in this study. Its objective is to develop and validate an achievement
test in Filipino 3.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the
study were the fourth year and third year students of Agusan National High School,
Butuan City, during SY 2003-2004
The subjects of the pilot testing
stage were twenty (20) fourth year students chosen randomly from twenty (20)
sections in fourth year students. Two hundred (200) fourth year students were
the subjects for the first and second trial run. Two hundred (200) third
year students were used in the third trial run or the final run of the study. From
those one hundred (100) were chosen to take the re-test and they were also the very same students who were
made to take the Division test.
The teachers of ANHS teaching
Filipino evaluated the appropriateness or suitability of the items, clarify of
directions and language used in the test.
The fourth year students utilized
for the pilot testing were chosen through random sampling method. There were
two hundred fourth year students chosen who took the first and second trial run. The third year students
for the final run. They were chosen using the purposive random sampling.
Preparation of the Table of Specification
In this study a
pre-survey was done to identify the skills to be tested. It was an aid for the development of
the test item. All skills included in the test were the result of the pre-survey
and the self observation of the researcher.
The tests were
based on the Philippine Secondary Schools Learning Competencies in grammar and literature
in Filipino 3.
Item Writing
The test items
in this study were developed using analytic method and only the multiple type of test was
effective since its validity and reliability is measurable.
Content Validation and Pilot Testing
After the items
were developed inspection was done by the experts and Filipino teachers of Agusan National
High School, Butuan City. The test was tried out to twenty (20) fourth year students, the purpose of which
was to determine the language suitability of the items and ease in following directions from the point of view
of the examinees. The average length of time to finish the test was also determined. The test can be finished
in two (2) hours and 10 minutes as known during the pilot testing.
First Try out
After the pilot
testing and content validation it was given for the first time to two hundred (200) fourth year
students. It was found out that there were only ninety four (94) acceptable items, eleven (11) need revision
and eighty three (83) were not accepted. The test was finished in two hours during the first try out.
Second try out
There was a total
of ninety-four (94) items included in the test. After it was given again to two hundred
(200) students the item analyses have shown that there were fifty six (56) good items, eleven (11) need
revision, seventeen (17) were not accepted and included in the final form of the test.
Final run of the test (third try out)
There were fifty-six
(56) items included in the final form of test. It was conducted to third year students
to find out the effectiveness of the revisions done during the preceding try outs. It was given to two hundred
(200) students selected purposively from third year students on February 11, 2004.
Evaluating the test
The concurrent
validity of the tests were calculated using the Pearson Product Moment method by comparing
the test re-test result to the Division Achievement test. The reliability coefficient was determined by comparing
their score from the final run to the test re-test result. The calculated concurrent validity coefficient was 0.658 significantly means that the test constructed were valid, while the test re-test reliability
coefficient of the test was 0.802 it means that the test is concurrently reliable.
Preparing the Test Manual
Based on the results
of the different try outs, the final form of the test was prepared. There were fifty six (56)
items included in its final from.
The test is based on the learning skills found on the PSSLC used in
teaching Filipino 3 and the scientific steps in constructing the test are observed.
It was found out that the students were not at ease with the items on
getting information, nothing details, symbolism of the poem, and literacy theories.
In the test result, it was noted that the students got low in figures
of speech, conventions of drama, and interpreting the lines of the poem.
There were not enough theses on literary and language testing in Filipino
which can be used as basis of the present study.
It was found out that the test is reliable because those who got higher
score in the final form of test got a higher result in the test re-test.
The test is valid because the score of the students in the test re-test
is consistent and had a higher score in the Division Achievement test and this
type of tests is really intended for the third year level.
The test can be given to other students in barangay high schools in
or outside CARAGA Region for further validation.
Wide use of multiple choice of test and analytic method of test is encouraged
so that the students will be used to such type of tests.
The teachers should not focus only on preparing work books but they
are encouraged to prepare other teaching materials like a validated test.
It is suggested in this study that teachers in the secondary should
be updated on test construction.
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